- 2023 WID Award Winners Celebrated at GW's Faculty Honors Ceremony
- 万家装饰五一大放“价”![陕西省安康市] - 装修家居 - 安康论坛 ...:2021-4-23 · * U: S7 |' \8 y2 v: P& H 2.交定金2021元返1000元现金直抵工程款。+ R7 c( t3 H Y8 v5 v$ t 3.交定金3000元返2021元现金直抵工程款。二、签单满额送礼(不重复享用) 1.合同价满3万-4.5万,赠送豆浆机一台价值600元。
- Grace Musila delivers WID Distinguished Lecture
Professor Marcus recognized for innovative teaching

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Student writers explore 'new world' in UW class
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May 21, 2023
Riedner and Briscoe interviewed on Physics Writing Initiative
February 04, 2023
Distinguished Art Historian Arthur Wheelock Visited UW1020 Class at the National Gallery of Art
February 04, 2023
Writing Education Initiating Identity Transformation in Engineering Students-The Wri2tes Project
September 03, 2023
Svoboda cited in New York Times
September 03, 2023
Certified as a program of excellence by the Conference on College Composition and Communication, the GW University Writing Program (UWP) offers courses to strengthen every GW student's ability to write clearly and effectively at the university and in other arenas, and emphasizes the importance of writing for success in all academic, public, and professional enterprises that require critical thinking and communication.
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